Traffic Division

Sheriff Alfonzo Williams created the Traffic Division when he took office in January 2017 with the goal of reducing the number of traffic accidents throughout Burke County by targeting high traffic areas where problems persist. The Traffic Division serves two roles, one with enforcement and the second through education.

Sgt. Marc Miller supervises the traffic division. Sgt. Miller is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the Traffic Division. Sgt. Miller has attended several advanced specialized schools related to traffic accident investigation and DUI enforcement. Sgt. Miller was assigned to a DUI task force and traffic previously to coming to Burke County.

The Traffic Division concentrates its everyday enforcement efforts in areas where statistics indicate a high frequency of automobile crashes and the other regions receiving traffic-related complaints. During certain holiday seasons, all deputies assigned to the division participate in specialized patrols. These patrols, commonly called task forces, operate under adjusted hours and target DUI, speed, and seat belt offenses. These task forces often set up stationary road checks throughout the county. These road checks aim to ensure that all motorists passing the road check is sober, licensed, and insured. The unit also performs road checks throughout the year with the Georgia State Patrol and the Governor's Office of Highway Safety (GOHS). The statistics from these road checks are reported nationally.